Dr. Marcello Contestabile
Principal Economist at Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI)
Dr. Marcello Contestabile is a principal economist at Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI). He has more than 15 years’ experience working in low emission vehicle technology and policy research for a range of organizations, including academia, public research centers, government, industry and consultancy.
Dr. Contestabile’s interests revolve around understanding future technology transition pathways in fuel efficient transport, particularly low emission passenger cars, in order to inform policies that are both effective and efficient. His work involves studying the complex interactions among technology cost and performance, consumer adoption, and industry and government behavior, which will determine the future pace and direction of low emission vehicle innovation. His research is multidisciplinary, covering the whole spectrum from science and technology to policy and economics.
During Dr. Contestabile’s years at Imperial College London, he was a principal investigator on UK, EC and industrial grants, and supervised several MSc and PhD students. He also collaborated with a technology park in the area of low emission vehicles, did independent consultancy and was seconded to the UK Government Office for Low Emission Vehicles.
Dr. Contestabile then joined an energy economics and policy research center in Saudi Arabia where his focus was energy transitions, and particularly the impact of low emission vehicle policy and technology on future oil demand.
Dr. Contestabile holds an MSc in environmental technology and a PhD in energy policy and technology from Imperial College London, UK.