Dr. Zeinab Ibrahim
Teaching Professor of Arabic Studies at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q)
Dr. Zeinab Ibrahim is a teaching professor of Arabic studies at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. She is a sociolinguist of Arabic and a Teaching of Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL) professor.
Dr. Ibrahim’s most recent book is titled Beyond Lexical Variation in Modern Standard Arabic: Egypt, Lebanon and Morocco. In addition to four edited books, she has published many articles exploring the Arabic language, linguistics, and sociolinguistics.
Dr. Ibrahim was the president of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic (AATA), executive director of CASA (Center for Arabic Study Abroad), and has held other administrative positions. She has organized several international conferences and received several grants.
Dr. Ibrahim earned her Ph.D. from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. She holds an M.A. in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL) and another in communication, both from the American University in Cairo.