Lulwa Al-Darwish
Integration Coordinator at Renad Academy
Lulwa Al-Darwish is an integration coordinator at Renad Academy, a school that helps children with autism. She is passionate about inclusion policies and removing barriers to education and community services offered to children with autism. She specializes in autism, special education, inclusive education, and behavior analysis.
Al-Darwish’s interest in principles of behavior analysis is driving her to obtain her applied behavior analysis board certification. Lulwa thrives to spread autism awareness in the country and aims to encourage Qatar’s youth to enter the field of special education.
Al-Darwish holds an MA in special and inclusive education from the Institute of Education (IoE) at University College London (UCL), in the United Kingdom, and a BSc in special education with a focus on autism. She is a board-certified behavior analyst.
Al-Darwish hopes to transfer her knowledge to the local community and aspires to increase autism awareness among youth while encouraging more members of the community to pursue the field of special education.