Stories / Video

How QF is carving the path toward Qatar’s healthier future
4 min readDr. Said Ismail, Director of Qatar Foundation’s Qatar Genome Programme, breaks down precision health so it makes sense

HH Sheikha Moza gives unique insight into how Qatar Foundation went from vision to reality
6 min readThe Untold Stories of Qatar Foundation explains how an organization that “did not exist anywhere else in the world” was built in Qatar

QF’s Doha Debates explains how the skill to negotiate can help young activists change minds
2 min readYouth4Climate session highlights how effective communication is invaluable to solve even the most challenging issues – including climate change

Climate change activism should come from love, not fear, say QF panelists at Youth4Climate
5 min readQatar Foundation International hosted a talk that looked at how to connect youth globally to empower them to act locally

Personal choices are at the heart of climate change, QF debaters argue
5 min readQatarDebate participants at Youth4Climate address societal perspectives on the environment

Op-Ed: Future designs for digital wellness
5 min readRaian Ali, Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University’s College of Science and Engineering, writes about digital addiction, and what tech companies can do to prevent “digital obesity”

Autofix QA: the crystallization of a QF education
8 min readQF alumni’s automobile service is an example of what happens when creativity meets technology – and the benefits of studying in a multiversity campus.

In her own words: "Avoid passing judgments on diabetics and help them lead a better life"
7 min readHend Al-Khater, a Northwestern University in Qatar student living with Type-1 diabetes, strives to build a community that supports diabetics and promotes social awareness about the disease.

Rem Koolhaas on designing a library for noise
Rem Koolhaas on how he designed the Qatar National Library